Rizki Raharjo— RevoU Instructor | Digital Marketing Lead at Pintek
Rizki is multifaceted tech-savvy with more than 5 years of experience in Digital Marketing.
Rizki's Profile

Rizki is a multifaceted tech savvy with more than 5 years of experience in Digital Marketing. He was the Head of Digital Marketing at Gulf Brokers-- an International Licensed Broker based in Dubai. Rizki is responsible for getting qualified leads in the Indonesia market.
Currently, he is the Digital Marketing Lead at Pintek, a fintech company aiming to democratise access to education in Indonesia through affordable and flexible credit. He is the one leading the team behind Pintek blog, building it from the ground up and generating 660.000 Monthly Active Users within 6 months.
Fun fact, Rizki graduated as a Bachelor of Engineering (S.T), majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He has proven that to be successful in this industry, there’s no need to worry about not having a relevant background.
Rizki will be one of the instructors at RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Student Testimonials on Rizki
"Untuk first time ngajar di revou mas eki mantep pol, jelas banget. Cara ngejelasinnya bisa sesimple2nya untuk kita yg baru belajar. Terlihat menguasai dan well prepared. good job mas!"
"Kalau ada rating 10 pasti saya pilih 10 karena jelas sekali penjelasannya, terima kasih mas"
"Instruktur rasa customer service! Dihubungin jam 11 malem ternyata langsung dibales haha. Makaci mas Eki, ilmunya berkah ya!!!"
Questions & Answers
#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at Pintek?
Everyday starts with email. This way I know exactly how to arrange my time according to priorities since almost 50% of my time would consist of meetings and a lot of discussions. These include discussions with other departments (product, tech, ops) to coordinate, align, and consistently implement the overall digital marketing strategy.
Then I'll check on my team’s performance to ensure that we’re having a productive but enjoyable time at work. Throughout the day, I monitor everything from Google Analytics and digital campaigns to check for performance data and determine what we can adjust accordingly.
Working in a fintech company could be tiring and there will be a lot of challenges along the way, but it’s also exciting and fun to work alongside people with outstanding experience and expertise.
#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about working in SEO?
SEO is a one-time thing.
No, this is a misconception about SEO. SEO is a bit like going to the gym. It’s okay to miss a workout here and there, but things soon start to fall apart if you stay at home eating chips too often. (Trust me, I know).
SEO is an ongoing process.It might be slower compared to Paid Ads but it can generate better results in the long term.
#3 Your proudest professional achievement at Pintek?
Building pintek blog from scratch and generating 660K Monthly Active Users within 6 months.
#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?
Because it brought me the opportunity to help transform the education environment in Indonesia. Man, It’s time for Pendidikan 4.0 in Indonesia.
#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?
Studying and practicing is about building skills.
Whether high school, college, or a job—it’s about developing your skills. It’s not about what you know or memorize. It’s about what you can do & how well you can do it. Devote less time to showing what you know. Devote more time to building life skills & job skills. And understanding how those skills help you perform on the field or in the workplace.
#6 Books / Online resources you follow to remain on top of the most important industry trends and keep improving in your field (blogs, podcasts, newsletters)?
Read blogs from Backlinko written by Brian Dean, one of the most respected person in the SEO field or articles written by Neil Patel on his blog are also great.
#7 Your tips for someone who is interested in starting his career in SEO (aside from applying to RevoU) :)?
Anyone can learn SEO. Even with my background in mechanical engineering, I decided to pursue my career in digital marketing.
My tips for you who might be interested in starting your career in SEO is to get an internship at a leading/fast growing SEO/ Digital agency if you can. Managing a big scale account will expose you to a lot of use cases, problems, best practices, and you can also get good mentorship from people who might have more experience.
#8 The fundamental skills an SEO professional is expected to have?
Critical Thinking and Drive & Motivation to Learn
Critical thinking is a hard one to measure, but it’s important for SEO pros to be able to have an analytical mind that’s capable of differentiating correlation and causation.
The thing I both love and hate about working in SEO is that it doesn’t just turn off at 5 p.m.
To truly be great at SEO these days you have to have the internal drive that forces you to keep learning. Whether it’s a new programming language, a new framework (WordPress, React, Angular, etc), a new search engine standard like Schema, or understanding machine learning, there’s always something to learn.
#9 What distinguishes a good SEO person from a great one?
Data Skills
Whether it’s turning a Screaming Frog crawl into an XML sitemap, measuring algorithm changes and their impact with GA/Adobe data, creating custom CTR by position curves, or quickly bucketing keywords from search console into brand/non-brand or by product groups, Data skill is invaluable.
A truly complete SEO professional will be able to create dashboards in Data Studio, use various APIs to pull more data (search console, google NLP, lighthouse, adwords, various tools, etc), and understand enough about databases to do cool stuff with that data.
#10 Best examples of SEO activities (outside Pintek) in Indonesia?
Blog written by Niagahoster’s team is one good example of SEO in Indonesia.
Learn from Rizki and other great instructors by applying to RevoU Digital Marketing program
Looking to kickstart your career in Digital Marketing but don’t know where to start? Apply to RevoU 15-weeks Digital Marketing Program
How RevoU works:
✓ Live daily interactive online classes for 15 weeks (7–9pm WIB)
✓ Learn from the best instructors in the industry (such as Rizki)
✓ Personalised career coaching with 1:1 mentorship sessions
✓ If you are looking for a job and don’t get one at the end of the Program, the entire course is FREE
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