Syarifah Suci Armilia — RevoU Instructor | Campaign Lead at HappyFresh
Currently, Yaya is the Campaign Lead at HappyFresh. She was actually also a student at RevoU Full Stack Digital Marketing program of the 1st batch
Yaya's Profile

Syarifah, or usually goes by Yaya, was actually a student at RevoU Full Stack Digital Marketing program of the 1st batch.
Now the tables have turned, and we are proud to have her (also) in our instructor gallery.
Currently, Yaya is the Campaign Lead at HappyFresh-- the first and fastest growing online grocery platform in Southeast Asia. Her role is to lead the campaign operations that will boost the company’s brand awareness and growth, especially in the Indonesian market.
Some of her work that you may came across:
- 2020 : #BikinMertuaHappy campaign
- 2021 : Ramadan #TanpaAlasan campaign
Yaya is also responsible for leading CRM operations, and making sure the activities and promotions are executed and communicated well to the customers.
Hence, she will be one of the instructors of RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Student Testimonials on Yaya
- "Kak Yaya was very structured, clear and insightful with her lectures. Also very mature and able to see the ambiguity that may happen between learning experience and industry practice and address that moderately."
- "Kak Yaya super ramah dan bersedia menjawab segala pertanyaan, juga suka sharing real cases yang dia hadapin jadi kita dapet banyak insight."
- "Kak Yaya ramah BANGET dan ngajarinnya detail banget~"
Question & Answers
#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at HappyFresh?
Endless meetings and alignment with my team and other stakeholders. Other than that, I spend my days planning a new campaign, creating briefs and reports.
#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about CRM?
That CRM is only for certain businesses.
At the beginning of my class I always encourage my students to think of how they can apply CRM framework into any kind of business: small, big, B2B, or B2C.
Sure, not all businesses need fancy CRM tools. But I think these three CRM elements: data management system, human relationship, and efficiency (automation) help a lot in understanding how an interaction with customers should be in each of their lifecycle stages, so businesses are able to grow faster.
#3 Your proudest professional achievement at HappyFresh?
Once HappyFresh becomes a top of mind online grocery platform in Indonesia or once my team is nurtured to their maximum potential, I'll come back to answer this question :)
#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?
Funny enough, I think the reason is because digital marketing aligns with my childhood aspirations.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a psychologist when every other kid wanted to be a doctor or astronaut. I love stories of people and observing their behavior, but the "fresh-graduate me" thought that working with data and creating strategy was sexier.
Long story short, I needed a job to pay the bills and I was ready to work in any field. I was not purposely aiming for digital marketing, but somehow this path where I was taken to surprisingly aligned with my interests.
Now I'm actually looking for the bigger purpose to keep the fire alive. Please pray for me!
#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?
I wish I knew how to be braver.
I wish I knew how to be more organized.
Wasting a lot of time due to overthinking and not being productive have been two of my "what if" moments. Well, there's no regret though. But what if...I realized this sooner...what if...
#6 Books / Online resources you follow to remain on top of the most important industry trends and keep improving in your field (blogs, podcasts, newsletters)?
I do follow a lot of blogs and newsletters because you'll never know when you'll stumble upon a great read, although I may not be able to read all of them 😅 but these are my top list:
- Marketing-Interactive
- Mark Manson's newsletters-- because I looove how he explains life phenomena and human psychology in a fun way.
- Avinash Kaushik newsletters on marketing and analytics– he gives intriguing insights that help me to stay curious especially at the beginning of my career.
#7 Your tips for someone who is interested in starting his career in CRM (aside from applying to RevoU :)?
The easiest way to start is to understand the best practice of each channel, from the user perspective.
We all have apps on our phone, right?
We receive promotional emails, push notifications and whatnot. Pause and ponder for a while whether we like receiving a lot of push notifications in a day, for example. Understand why emails are sent in particular ways.
Start from there, and ask a lot of questions. Be critical.
Before joining RevoU as a student, I asked a lot of questions to myself and to my managers why we're doing this and that, though I struggled connecting the dots. Then came RevoU, and everything started making sense.
What I'm trying to say: observe, be curious, and join a course or find a great mentor who can guide you on this journey.
#8 The fundamental skills a CRM professional is expected to have?
Must have: copywriting, data analytics, critical thinking, attention to details, empathy (understand your audience).
Good to have: communication, HTML.
That's a lot I know! :D last but not least, of course familiarity with the tools.
#9 What distinguishes a good CRM person from a great one?
There are three main scope of work a CRM specialist usually do:
- Execution
- Develop strategy
- Evaluation
There are a lot of those who are pretty good at one to two of these, yet difficult to find some who are great at these 3.
#10 Best examples of CRM brand activities (outside HappyFresh) in Indonesia?
Putting the CRM content as context, there were times when I really loved Gojek's comms, and there were times when Grab and Kitabisa stole my attention.
The point is, I can mention 10 brands here but I think a huge homework for us (even for HappyFresh!) is how to keep the consistency alive.
Exciting emails, push notifications, whatsapp etc. should not be sent/prepared a few times a year only and keep the rest boring.
I think creativity should be encouraged more in executions.
Learn from Yaya and other great instructors by applying to RevoU Digital Marketing program
Looking to kickstart your career in Digital Marketing but don’t know where to start? Apply to RevoU 15-weeks Digital Marketing Program
How RevoU works:
✓ Live daily interactive online classes for 15 weeks (7–9pm WIB)
✓ Learn from the best instructors in the industry (such as Yaya)
✓ Personalised career coaching with 1:1 mentorship sessions
✓ If you are looking for a job and don’t get one at the end of the Program, the entire course is FREE
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