Gibran Risnutama— RevoU Instructor | Senior SEO Specialist at Kanmo Group
Gibran has been in the e-commerce SEO industry for 6 years. Currently, he is the Senior SEO Specialist at Kanmo Group.
Gibran's Profile

Gibran has been in the SEO industry for 6 years. He began his career in aCommerce, starting as a Content Analysis & Marketing and at a point became the SEO Team Lead. The company itself is an end-to-end ecommerce enabler that has handled 1600+ clients all across SouthEast Asia.
He also worked at Fabelio, an e-commerce company focused on marketing furniture. As the SEO Specialist, he and his team managed to increase the site’s session by 83.08% (between 2020 vs 2019).
Just recently, he moved to Kanmo Group where he works as the Senior SEO Specialist. Kanmo group is a company that handles retail brands such as Mothercare, Justice, Adidas, and many others for their distribution in Indonesia. Gibran is responsible for managing and delivering organic traffic to their respective e-commerce website pages.
Gibran will be one of the instructors at RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
More on Gibran
Student Testimonials on Gibran
“Thank you Kak Gibran buat pelajaran SEOnya yang daging banget. Thank you juga udah kasih input untuk assignment aku dan ngasih insight-insight lainnya.”
“Baik banget aku tau kak Gibran pasti sibuk tapi waktu aku tanya tapi dibales sampe call dan screen share so kind !”
“Ka Gibran so much effort biar kelas ga boring. Juarak!”
Questions & Answers
#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at Kanmo Group?
The daily activity on Kanmo and Fabelio is much the same. I search for problems that occurring on the website, put it on a priority list then start working on each action items. Talking to other division is also what SEO person would do, but most of the time to the category team and dev. team.
#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about working in SEO?
Until now I’m still hearing about SEO is a way to get rank #1, and to be honest this is the most
Myths that buzzed me through the years. Rank 1 is a sacred place to organic search, but now we have to understand that every person has its own rank #1 search results This happens because Google wants to put their best results to the customer for a better search experience.
#3 Your proudest professional achievement at Kanmo Group (or Fabelio)?
In Fabelio, I successfully gained 83.08% sessions increment in the end of 2020 vs 2019. This achievement was not solely because of my effort, but more team effort that maintains the web together throughout the year.
#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?
At first, I always thought that I’m a creative person, because I’d love to write. This thought has come to an end after 2 trials to become a Copywriter.
Then, in my 5th semester back in 2011, I joined Digital Marketing class where the lecturer would eventually become my boss during my internship & freelance on one Digital Agency, iProspect Indonesia. At that time, Finally I found out my interest in exact things, not in abstract things.
#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?
How to manage digital marketing as a whole. In order to do so, I need to deep dive into other channels such as email marketing, social media, paid and display ads. It is my future goal to become a digital marketing manager.
#6 Books / Online resources you follow to remain on top of the most important industry trends and keep improving in your field (blogs, podcasts, newsletters)?
Mostly I followed Google twitter (@searchliaison) to keep updated Google core updates, Google Youtube channels that talk and cover all of their search engines, then blog like searchenginejournal.com, searchengineland.com and other similar websites.
#7 Your tips for someone who is interested in starting his career in SEO (aside from applying to RevoU) :)?
LOL, I want to answer, go to Revou, but you can do many readings and watch a lot of insightful videos and explain why you should do this from expertise, like Google Youtube Channel. Nowadays, you can find many study materials everywhere, especially subjects about On-Site optimization.
#8 The fundamental skills an SEO professional is expected to have?
I think the most important skill is analysis skills. You have to know how to digest the data and convert it into an action plan. Like you have to know why this keyword is better than the other, how to optimize this page using this x data, which media should I approach to help my DA increase. And so on, stuff like that.
#9 What distinguishes a good SEO person from a great one?
Every SEO person has their own unique approach, but their analytical point of view is the one that can differentiate with other SEO person.
#10 Best examples of SEO activities (outside Kanmo Group) in Indonesia?
I think most e-commerce sites in Indonesia have good examples like Shopee and Tokopedia.
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