Andrew Prasatya — RevoU Instructor | Head of Content Marketing at Revou
Andrew is our very own Head of Content Marketing at RevoU. Prior to that, he looked after iPrice Group’s Content Marketing strategy and expansion across Southeast Asia.
Andrew's Profile

Andrew is our very own Head of Content Marketing at RevoU. If you love our content on social media, blog, and even find our data-driven study insightful; it's all thanks to Andrew and the team he led.
Prior to that, he looked after iPrice Group’s overall Content Marketing strategy and expansion across SouthEast Asia. As the Head of Content Marketing, he is in charge of growing a top class in-house content marketing team across the 7 countries where iPrice operates (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, and Hong Kong), with the Indonesian market at its core.
Together with his team of content marketers in just 3 years he has been able to achieve impressive results such as:
- Getting 1000+ free coverages from top media in SEA including Forbes, Fortune, Reuters (in less than 24 months)
- Becoming the most trustable source of information about E-Commerce in SEA
- Creating 100+ data-driven content about e-commerce & technology about SEA
Content Marketing, Data Visualisation, Media Relations and Link Building are his specialties. He will be one of the instructors at RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Content Marketing.
More on Andrew
Student Testimonials on Andrew
"Love your simple yet rich presentation kak. Forbes level!!! Thank you for sharing the knowledge and experience."
"Thank you! By far, it’s the most concise and clear presentation from all week. The way that more students are also showing up and engage with the discussion also shows that the presentation was delivered well. Keep going."
"Hands down the best lecturer by far. Crystal clear communication, engaging, respectful, overall just a cool guy"
Question & Answers
#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at RevoU?
In general, I did a few things on a day to day: Having meetings with each of the content marketers to discuss various topics.
But most of the time is to help them whenever there is a blocker they face.
The blockers can vary from a career-related topic to technical stuff/ projects they are handling.
I also do other things to constantly learn and understand what’s happening outside to inspire different content marketing activities at RevoU!
#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about Content Marketing?
Most businesses think that Producing content = Content Marketing.
But in reality, the soul of content marketing is to produce content that can educate and entertain our audience about the topics relevant to our business or services!
#3 Your proudest professional achievement at RevoU?
First is being able to hire/ maintain amazing people in the CM team.
I am a firm believer that people are the most critical aspects of an organization.
So being able to work with amazing people in my team is such a privilege.
These people are the ones who produce all great content marketing pieces at RevoU’s blog, social media, and digital PR!
Let me mention everyone here: Ivy, Sarah, Demir, and Deny!
#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?
Firstly, for EduTech, I realized that I gained extra energy to share my knowledge with others, especially when they got the benefits!
So my interest is aligned with RevoU’s products, + I got a chance to continue teaching in one class.
Secondly, for Content marketing: The more I study Content Marketing (from 2016-now), the more I realized that it’s an approach that is still very rare in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia.
Mainly what we are doing now at RevoU (Full-stack Content Marketing).
We explore different content marketing strategies (Blog, Social Media, Digital PR) that small companies can do well currently.
#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?
Communication & negotiation: Essential in your professional and also personal life
Creative problem solving: The more senior you are, the more critical these skills going to be
Practical learning approach: Especially during this time, it’s essential to learn something more effectively!
Asking better questions: Good questions can solve a lot of problems!
#6 Books / Online resources you follow to remain on top of the most critical industry trends and keep improving in your field (blogs, podcasts, newsletters)?
- Radical Candor by Kim Scott — Highly recommended for 1st-time managers.
- Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull — He is the co-Founder of Pixar. He shared a lot about his dreams and vision for Pixar, early challenges, and how Pixar became the success that it is now.
- Never Split The Difference by Christopher Voss — He is a former international hostage negotiator for the FBI. In this book, he shares his best negotiation techniques, which apply to the business world.
- Drive-by Daniel Pink — This is one of the books that’s helped me understand what truly motivates people.
Articles: First Round Review, Harvard Business Review, Radical Candor Blog Farnam Street Blog
Podcast: Worklife by Adam Grant & TED, HBR Ideacast The Tim Ferris Show
#7 Your tips for someone interested in starting his career in Content Marketing (aside from applying to RevoU :)?
Content marketing is a broad topic.
It’s hard to know precisely what you want to focus on in the early stage of your career in the content marketing field.
My suggestion is to start by exposing yourself to content marketing activities.
Creating insightful, helpful content and that brings tangible benefits to the readers/viewers/listeners.
…and learn as much as possible from all the experts in the field by reading/watching/listening to their work.
#8 The fundamental skills a Content Marketing Specialist is expected to have?
#1 Behavioural:
- Curiosity & continues learning. The trend and content marketing platform is kept evolving. We need to learn about this continuously!
- Research & experiment. It’s all about learning & producing content, and test it for your audience.
#2 Technical:
- Writing. Able to translate the ideas you have in your head into easy to understand writings
- Basic design & visualization. At least you know the fundamentals of design to differentiate what good and bad visual is
- Social Media. At least you learn to use different social media like Instagram, TikTok, Linked In, etc.
#9 What distinguishes a good Content Marketer from a great one?
Great content marketers know what story they want to tell via their content.
They are not just creating content for the sake of producing something.
#10 Best examples of Content Marketing campaigns (outside RevoU) in Indonesia?
In Indonesia, many brands start investing in Content Marketing, especially on social media & blogs!
- On Instagram: Glints, Inspigo, Bibit, Netflix ID
- For blog: Lifepal, Alodokter, iPrice Indonesia
Learn from Andrew and other great instructors by applying to RevoU Digital Marketing program
Looking to kickstart your career in Digital Marketing but don’t know where to start? Apply to RevoU 15-weeks Digital Marketing Program
How RevoU works:
✓ Live daily interactive online classes for 15 weeks (6–9pm WIB)
✓ Learn from the best instructors in the industry (such as Andrew)
✓ Personalised career coaching with 1:1 mentorship sessions
✓ If you are looking for a job and don’t get one at the end of the Program, the entire course is FREE
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