Aldio Judisya — RevoU Instructor | Social Media Manager at Gojek Merchant Marketing
Aldio has been hustling around the social media world since 2013. Currently, Aldio is the Social Media Manager at Gojek-- one of the biggest tech brands in Indonesia that many look up to.
Aldio's Profile

Aldio Judisya, or usually goes by Aldio, has been hustling around the social media world since 2013.
Currently, Aldio is the Social Media Manager at Gojek Merchant Marketing-- one of the biggest tech brands in Indonesia that many look up to. During this pandemic, he managed to lead the team in handling almost 30 social media channels including GoBiz, GoFood, GoPay, and many other; all being done remotely.
Prior to that, he was also a Social Media Manager at Moka-- SaaS company that offers integrated merchant platforms for business. Working in these two companies allows him to contribute to the development of Indonesia’s UMKM--something that is dear to his heart.
Not only in tech companies and startups, but Aldio is also experienced handling social media for Online Media, at Brilio to be exact. His highlighted work can be seen on Brilio’s Youtube channel titled: Indonesia Wicara and Lagugel
Aldio is keen to share his experience and knowledge to Indonesia’s future social media specialists. He will be one of the instructors of RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Social Media Marketing.
Student Testimonials on Aldio
- "Kak Dio, thank yoouu banget karena udah membuat kelas SMO seminggu ini menyenangkan! Awalnya mayan deg2an liat slidesnya ada 80an! Tapi ternyata pas mulai dijelasin tuh seru, ga berasa waktu udah lewat :)"
- "Kak Dio cara ngajarnya asik banget dan sistematis. Terus ada unsur humornya jadi enggak terlalu serius dan enngak bosenin. Thank you Kak Dio, sukses terus ya kak!"
- "Thankyou ka Aldio untuk insight yang diberikan selama 1 minggu ini, jadi banyak tambahan ilmu baru dan menarik tentang dunia socmed dan jadi penasaran buat belajar tentang SMO lebih advanced nya haha"
Question & Answers
#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at Gojek?
Each day is a different day. But I always start my day by revisiting my daily checklist from the night before, making sure I don’t miss anything.
I spend most of my working time for meetings, brainstorming, checking on my team’s progress, and making sure everything is in the right place.
#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about working in Social Media?
“It’s a no pressure, no stress work -- all play”
Surprise! It’s a high pressure job.
Imagine you are expected to come up with new ideas every day, not only that, those ideas need to be innovative and successfully implemented.
At the same time, you have to keep up with the trends and algorithms that are ever-changing. This means that your strategy/approach to implement the ideas needs to adapt with the latest trends and algorithms every time.
All that while bearing in mind that your work can be seen publicly and there is your company’s brand image that you need to maintain.
#3 Your proudest professional achievement at Gojek?
Together with my team, we managed almost 30 social media channels all at the same time, during COVID-19 period and we were doing it from different places (cities to be exact) due to WFH policy.
#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?
I am always glad when what I do would have an impact. This industry gives me that ability to help and give impact, especially to the ones who contribute the most to Indonesia’s economic development: UMKM.
#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?
- Leadership & critical thinking
- Social media 101 like the on in RevoU
#6 Books / Online resources you follow to remain on top of the most important industry trends and keep improving in your field (blogs, podcasts, newsletters)?
Socialmediatoday, Buffer, @thechrisdo, @pablo.rochat, @bynikojulius, Thirty Days of Lunch, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jago Jualan di Instagram, etc.
#7 Your tips for someone who is interested in starting his career in Social Media Marketing (aside from applying to RevoU :)?
Take the risk, try as much as you can, find a mentor and enjoy the process.
#8 The fundamental skills an Social Media professional is expected to have?
Communication, research analysis, creativity and agility.
#9 What distinguishes a good social media marketer from a great one?
A good social media marketer achieves KPI, a great one creates impact.
#10 Best examples of Social Media brand activities (outside Gojek) in Indonesia?
I am a big fan of @netflixid. I also enjoy @ecommurz and @bapak2id.
Learn from Aldio and other great instructors by applying to RevoU Digital Marketing program
Looking to kickstart your career in Digital Marketing but don’t know where to start? Apply to RevoU 15-weeks Digital Marketing Program
How RevoU works:
✓ Live daily interactive online classes for 15 weeks (7–9pm WIB)
✓ Learn from the best instructors in the industry (such as Aldio)
✓ Personalised career coaching with 1:1 mentorship sessions
✓ If you are looking for a job and don’t get one at the end of the Program, the entire course is FREE
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