Fernanda Gunsan — RevoU Instructor | Sr. Social Media Campaign Strategist at an Ecommerce Company Paid Members Public
Do you know (or even love) the campaign “Waktu Indonesia Belanja” with BTS, Blackpink, Twice ? Fernanda is the man behind it. He is Senior Social Media Campaign Strategist

Adinda Pawitra — RevoU Instructor | CEO at Vluid Digital Paid Members Public
Adinda has been in the Digital Media Industry for almost 10 years!

Aldio Judisya — RevoU Instructor | Social Media Manager at Gojek Merchant Marketing Paid Members Public
Aldio has been hustling around the social media world since 2013. Currently, Aldio is the Social Media Manager at Gojek-- one of the biggest tech brands in Indonesia that many look up to.

A Day in the Life of "SEO Specialist" Paid Members Public
Kamu tertarik ingin menjadi SEO Specialist, tapi belum ada gambaran: * Keseharian-nya ngapain sih? * Suka-duka nya apa? * Ekspektasi vs realita gimana? Di artikel ini, kamu akan menemukan jawabannya dari 3 SEO Specialist yang bekerja di 3 perusahaan yang berbeda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 Halo! Boleh perkenalkan diri kamu, tempat kerja, dan role kamu?

Digital Marketer Crypto Company yang Meningkatkan Skill melalui Advanced SEO Program Paid Members Public
Lidya mengikuti kelas Advance SEO ntuk meningkatkan skill agar membantu pekerjaan dan karirnya di perusahaan yang sekarang sebagai Digital Marketing di Tokenomy

Andrew Prasatya — RevoU Instructor | Head of Content Marketing at Revou Paid Members Public
Andrew is our very own Head of Content Marketing at RevoU. Prior to that, he looked after iPrice Group’s Content Marketing strategy and expansion across Southeast Asia.

Andreas Budiman— RevoU Instructor | SEO Manager at Glints Paid Members Public
Andreas is currently the SEO Manager at Glints. His career in the field began in 2016, building ticket.com's SEO framework from the ground up.

Ilman Akbar— RevoU Instructor | Digital Marketing Lead at Pashouses (Ex-Traveloka) Paid Members Public
Ilman Akbar has been in the digital marketing world for more than 7 years. most of it spent contributing to the success of Traveloka. Now, he's the Digital Marketing Lead at Pashouses, a platform for homeownership in Indonesia.