Teo Hogy Wijaya— RevoU Instructor | Growth Manager at RevoU

Teo's Profile

Teo is the Growth Manager at RevoU. If you found RevoU from Facebook Ads, most likely it’s thanks to Teo and his team. Teo was actually a student at the 1st batch of RevoU. His excellent work earned him a spot as one of the very first members of the RevoU team.

Prior to joining RevoU, Teo worked as an executive at Luna Park Media-- a digital marketing agency based in Singapore. He managed the Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn Ads campaigns for the company and was responsible for the clients’ customer journey optimisation: marketing funnel, content and landing page design.

With his easy to digest explanation and proven strategies, Teo is indeed one of the most favourite instructors. He will be one of the instructors at RevoU Digital Marketing Program, specializing in Facebook Ads and Performance Measurement & Budget Allocation.

Student Testimonials on Teo

"How Teo is explaining thing with full of excitement. His passion is shown really well. Inspiring"

"Kak Teo really brings us to understand how to set up Facebook Ads page by page. He makes sure nothing is left behind. He was also asking questions to students, to keep them engaged with the materials taught"

"Thank you buat bimbingan dan ilmu barunya, kak Theo. seneng banget bisa dapet mentor kak Theo karena penyampaian materinya mudah dipahami (menurutku yang pemahamannya lebih ke memperhatikan daripada hanya membaca dan mehamami sendiri)."

Questions & Answers

#1 Can you explain to us what your typical day looks like at RevoU?

There's no exact routine since the day I joined RevoU - a typical Start-Up life and the pattern drastically changes regularly every three months since we're adjusting it every quarter.

The most hectic day is Monday when I need to prepare the team and broad staff meetings and do reporting.

On Friday, we wrap up the week by reporting our progress on what we've done, learning/takeaways, and plan for the next week.

#2 Biggest myths and misconceptions about Facebook Ads?

"You need to start with an awareness objective campaign first, then move to consideration, and lastly to conversion objective to succeed in Facebook Ads."

To get started, you can always start with the Facebook Objective that correlates the most with your main Company objective, which mostly is conversion.

#3 Your proudest professional achievement at RevoU?

Helping RevoU doubling & tripling students enrollment batch to batch.

The first and solo person who build RevoU Labs back then.

#4 What drives you to work in your current industry?

Besides loving the work as a Marketer, helping people to get a job to fulfill my ikigai.

#5 Things you wish you could have learned earlier in your career?

How to report properly.

Your team/boss/company will not notice your excellent FB Ads performance if you can't report properly.

It doesn't only show how well your campaign performs but also how good you analyze, get the insight, and make a plan out of it.

Facebook Blueprint has many free learning materials, updated news towards Facebook Ads, and often has free webinars.

Others are Moz and Wordstream blogs.

#7 Your tips for someone who is interested in starting his career in Facebook Advertising (aside from applying to RevoU :)?

Always trust the data instead of someone else's guess or even your guess.

Even you've researched so much and created the best hypothesis, if the data show a different result, then your data is the truth.

#8 The fundamental skills a FB Ads Specialist is expected to have?

3 core of fundamental skills needed:

  • Strategic Thinking: How you come up with a strategy to advertise product or service
  • Creativity: Your creative design and copywriting drives 50% of Facebook Ads performance
  • Analytics: How you can read the data, come up with insight and actionable recommendations

#9 What distinguishes a good Facebook Advertiser from a great one?

The ability to get insight and actionable recommendation from data. You can tell if one decides by using data and not.

#10 Best examples of Facebook Ads campaign (outside RevoU) in Indonesia

Since we couldn't 100% grasp the strategy behind every campaign of the Facebook advertiser and their numbers, we can only guess how it looks/its creative and how different the content is between the prospecting and the remarketing ads.

The best experience so far from Facebook Ads in Indonesia is from Traveloka.

Learn from Teo and other great instructors by applying to RevoU Digital Marketing program

Looking to kickstart your career in Digital Marketing but don’t know where to start? Apply to RevoU 15-weeks Digital Marketing Program

How RevoU works:

✓ Live daily interactive online classes for 15 weeks (7–9pm WIB)

✓ Learn from the best instructors in the industry (such as Teo)

✓ Personalised career coaching with 1:1 mentorship sessions

✓ If you are looking for a job and don’t get one at the end of the Program, the entire course is FREE