Apa Kata Mereka Setelah Jadi Bagian dari RevoU?
Mau ikutan kelas full-program RevoU tapi belum yakin? Di artikel ini kita kumpulin reviews dari para alumni dari beberapa program RevoU khusus untuk kalian!
Si RevoU ini worth the price and the time ga sih, gw penasaran?"
Tulisan ini khusus dibuat untuk kalian yang saat ini lagi mempertimbangkan ikutan kelas full-program di RevoU & mau tau bagaimana review para alumni kita.
Nah, di artikel ini kita sudah mengumpulkan beberapa reviews tertulis dari beberapa alumni full-program Digital Marketing, Tech Sales, Advanced Social Media, & Advanced SEO.
Catatan Penting! Review Alumni RevoU ini akan terus kita perbaharui!
#1 Full-Stack Digital Marketing Program Alumni
Ervina (LinkedIn Ervina)
"From Food Engineering Graduate to Digital Marketer"

Fionna (LinkedIn Fionna)
"Earlier this year, I decided to deep dive into the #digitalmarketing world and enrolled in the Full Stack Digital Marketing Course at RevoU, and honestly, as cliché as this sounds, it was definitely the best decision I made in this year."

Hildaria Putri (LinkedIn Hilda)
"I have to give credit to my supportive groupmates, whom we ran campaigns for Laundry101, our home cleaning business idea together!"

Bernadetta - (LinkedIn Bernadette)
"I was a job seeker back then, and I thought that digital marketing might be an alternative for my future works. So I decided to joined the program, and hoping that one day I can work as digital marketer.
Then I got a fulltime job as an Estimator, and I have a doubt to continuing my full course. But then, after some thoughts I decided to commit for this course and manage my time for work and for the course."

Rishika Sakhrani - (LinkedIn Rishika)
"In a nutshell, RevoU breaks down complex concepts into easily digestible bits and constantly puts our knowledge to the test every week. We were given real money to create landing pages, run Facebook Ads as well as Google Ads. The group projects trained us to work with people from diverse professional backgrounds, pooled our knowledge and built camaraderie as we participated in ad competitions"

Rifda Aufa Putri Nurazlya - (LinkedIn Putri)
"I guess many of you know “sandbox” from one of the famous k-dramas on Netflix. For me, RevoU is my “sandbox”. I finally found my safe place to learn, I no longer need to be afraid to ask questions, to fall, to be wrong, because I’m fully supported with a positive learning environment in RevoU."

Handy Wijaya - (LinkedIn Handy)
"Frankly speaking my only doubt is will it be a boring class , and is it worth the investment that I have paid. The reality is the class is not boring at all, you got friends who learn with you"

#2 Full-Stack Tech Sales Program Alumni
Adela Hapsari - (LinkedIn Dela)
"Cold calling is never an easy things for some people. But doesn’t mean it can’t be conquered. It’s not just about the experience but also about how to deliver it. It is a matter of tone, speed, smile, and even our body language. It needs our active listening skills too."

Ananda Santia - (LinkedIn Ananda)
"However in that month, I acquire the courage to pick up the call, to never give up after first rejection and try different ways of reaching the leads through email (I keep telling myself, “Let’s do it for the children”)"

#3 Advanced Social Media Program Alumni
M Ryan Saputra (LinkedIn Ryan)
Saripati pembelajaran dari RevoU saya coba terapkan baik di media sosial baru dengan kurang maksimal dan media sosial Flip semaksimal mungkin.
LinkedIn page Flip sempat hampir "ngalahin" LinkedIn page para unicorn.
Instagram Flip, melalui event Flip Game, mencapai rekor tertingginya dalam 2 tahun terakhir.

Olga Raissa Wawoh (LinkedIn Olga)
"The First Step is Always The Hardest"
Berangkat dari secuil pengalaman di bidang Sosial Media setelah lulus kuliah, jadi tertarik menekuni dan berkarir pada industri ini.
Tapi awalnya, bingung mulai dari mana + dibarengi usia yang rawan Quarter-Life Crisis ini memaksaku untuk terus memutar otak"

#4 Advanced SEO Program Alumni
Lawrence Philemon - (LinkedIn Lawrence)
"One thing I am most grateful for is the cross path with RevoU. I remember a year ago when the first time I got an interview with Matteo Sutto as CEO and Co-Founder to join FSDM, and a year passed now I graduated again as a student of Advance SEO.

Fakhri Irawan (LinkedIn Fakhri)
"After "resigning" from my previous job, I felt that I needed an investment to be able to improve my digital marketing skills. At that time, my skills were more in SEO than other digital marketing fields.
I accidentally reached by advertisement from RevoU on Instagram that there was a free class titled "Becoming sought-after SEO Professional" by Mas Muhammad Ilman Akbar. Without thinking too much, I immediately signed up for the class and also wanted to know whether RevoU was the suitable place for me to improve myself.

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